A structural model to examine how destination image, attitude, and motivation affect the future behavior of tourists tsung hung lee graduate school of leisure and exercise studies national yunlin university of science and technology touliu, yunlin, taiwan this study examines a behavioral model of wetlands tourism using variables of desti. A structural model to examine how destination image. The framework for destination image is using the attributefunctional and holisticpsychological, continuums developed by echtner and ritchie 1991 contributed greatly to the conceptualization of tourism destination image. Destination image has repeatedly been subject of research in the past. These include attributebased images, holistic impressions, and functional, psychological, unique. If the inline pdf is not rendering correctly, you can. Pdf destination image, perceived risk and intention to visit. Promoting tourism destination image robert govers, frank. Taking this into account, echtner and ritchie 1993, in their model for measuring the destination image, propose the use of a twophase methodology. The purpose of this article is to carefully examine the concept of destination image with the goal of designing more appropriate and rigorous techniques for its measurement. The impact of destination image on tourists satisfaction and loyalty in the context of domestic tourism. The methodology proposed by echtner and ritchie 1993.
Article pdf available in ssrn electronic journal vol. A model of destination image formation seyhmus baloglu university of nevadalas vegas, usa ken w. Caib, lin lua acollege of territorial resources and tourism management, anhui normal university, wuhu 241003, p. Echtner and ritchie, 1991, echtner and ritchie, 1993 also contribute greatly to the difficult task of framing tdi, by acknowledging the existence of three axes that support the image of any destination. Complementing the theoretical research, numerous empirical studies on destination image have been conducted that have attempted to capture destinationspecific conditions in consumer choice models. This article examines the role of tourism promotion as a component of destination image formation. Destination image and intent to visit china and the 2008.
The meaning and measurement of destination image citeseerx. Analysing penang destination image from online tourism domain. Destination image has been a topic of study and debate in the tourism literature for the past 20 years. Origins, developments and implications issn 16957121 the importance of tourism tourism has become one of the most important sectors of the global economy ferreira, rial and varela, 2009. Fol lowing a comprehensive study of the deni tions provided in the major destinationimage measurement studies, echtner and ritchie. This study measured russias destination image among u. The impact of destination image and the intention to revisit. It is the purpose of this study to investigate the relationship between destination image and its determinants as well as the effects on the receivers of image formation programs. Destination image the assessment of destination image can assist managers by identifying the strengths and.
Much of the attention accorded to this topic is because of the importance of destination image to tourism development in a locale chon, 1990. The impact of destination image on tourists satisfaction. A structural model to examine how destination image, attitude. The influence of culture on destination image formation. This second line of research is labelled residents passive role in destination image study. Definitions of destination image have developed over the years. The importance of the image of a dest ination in the choice and intention of revisiting. A framework is presented which suggests that to completely measure destination image.
After that, echtner and ritchie 1991, 1993 suggested that destination image construction. The impact of destination image on tourists satisfaction and. Media discourses and formation of destination images. According to echtner and ritchie 1991, destination image is defined as not only the perceptions of individual destination attributes but also the holistic impression made by the destination p. Destination image through the perspectives of travellers. This contribution fits in the range of studies regarding the measurement of the destination image. Pdf the importance of the image of a destination in the. Italys image as a tourism destination in the chinese. Ultimately, researchers agree that destination image is a valuable concept with regard to. Tour guides and destination image evidence from portugal. Destination brand performance evaluation evaluation of brand performance is critical for management to understand the impact of the brand in enhancing destination image and attracting visitors.
Read russias destination image among american pleasure travelers. Destination image among american pleasure travelers. However, there is unanimous consensus about the multidimensional nature of the destination image echtner and ritchie, 1993. Evidence from portugal alexandra matos pereira university of coimbra, coimbra, portugal tourist guides as frontline professionals, informationgivers, and interpreters act as destination representatives and ambassadors in the eyes of tourists rabotic, 2010. Tourist perceptions of factors influencing destination image.
Integrating the concepts of the branding and destination image, tourism management, 323, pp. Mccleary virginia polytechnic institute and state university, usa abstract. Revisiting echtner and ritchie, tourism management on deepdyve, the largest online rental service for scholarly research with thousands of academic publications available at your fingertips. A framework is presented which suggests that to completely measure destination image, several components must be captured. Examining the structural relationships of destination. Impacts of mass tourism and communication on the image. The purpose of this article is to carefully examine the concept of destination image with the. The va lue system of each individual will eventually influence the image that they develop of a tourist destination. Despite the significance of perceived travel risk and destination image, relatively few studies address the effect of perceived travel risks on the formation of destination image, and the. Baloglu and mccleary, 1999, beerli and martin, 2004. Destination image has been shown to be a significant factor in determining visitor choice lee, oleary, and hong 2002. Article information, pdf download for the measurement of destination image. In the same way, echtner and ritchie 2003 conceptualized the destination image consisting of two components, attributebased containing functional.
It reports the findings of a study in which 1,100 respondents from around the globe described their previsit perceived image of seven sample destinations, as well as the information sources they used. The unprecedented growth in the tourism industry during the. Destination images influence tourists travel decision making and. Echtner and ritchie 1993 developed a three dimensional continuum of destination image. The case of malaga spain abstract over the past decades cruise tourism is a sector that has experienced a tremendous growth around. Destination image through the perspectives of travellers to. Image will influence a tourists decision of choosing a destination or a trip, the subsequent evaluation of that trip and hisher future decisions. Understanding and measuring tourist destination images. Prospective tourists cognitive image prone to safety and. Revisiting the destination image construct through a. According to the world tourism organization unwto, 2009, in 2008, the number of international. A model that represents the important determinants of destination image.
Pdf russias destination image among american pleasure. Italys image as a tourism destination in the chinese leisure. Results show that the destination has the strongest top of mind tom destination awareness among other competing domestic destinations. Echtner and ritchie 1991, 1993 acknowledged the existence of three continuums that support the image of any destination. A research instrument comprised of structured and unstructured methodologies was employed. Residents are often seen as part of the image elements echtner and ritchie 1991 and their support for the industry may affect the tourists perceptions of the destination. This study measured russias destination image among us pleasure travelers by the means of a webbased survey. Later on, in 1993, gartner suggests that most tourism image research has been piecemeal without a theoretical basis for support gartner 1993. According to echtner and ritchie 2003, destination image is not only the perceptions of individual destination attributes but also the holistic impression made by the destination. Examining the structural relationships of destination image.
The impact of destination image and the intention to. Tourist perceptions of factors influencing destination. Therefore, discussing destination image, tourist attitude, motivation, satisfaction and the future behavior of tourists are important in developing research hypotheses concerning wetlands tourism. The meaning and measurement of destination image, journal of. However, this thesis will mainly look into the topics of mass tourism and communication and. Russias destination image among american pleasure travelers. Impact of tourist perceptions, destination image and tourist satisfaction on destination loyalty. Destination image perception of tourists to guangzhou. Promoting tourism destination image robert govers, frank m. Destination image perception of tourists to guangzhoubased. In the attributeholistic continuum, a destination image is composed of perceptions of individual features and overall impressions. A metaanalysis hongmei zhanga, xiaoxiao fub, liping a.
This theory acknowledges the existence of three axes which supported the image of any destination. Pdf the meaning and measurement of destination image. Conceptualization by echtner and ritchie 1991 in the whole body of destination image studies, echtner and ritchie 1991, p. Despite the revolutionary contribution to destination image by echtner and ritchie 1991, most studies do not have a common consensus on the definition and the most appropriate way. The importance of the tourist destinations image is universally acknowledged, since it affects the individuals subjective perception and consequent behavior and destination choice chon 1990, 1992. Destination image in the mind of the visitors plays an important role in their travel purchase decisions and subsequently, stimulating their visiting intentions oppermann, 2000. China b purdue tourism and hospitality research center, school of hospitality and tourism management, purdue university, usa highlights a total of 66 independent studies were. A series of openended questions and scale items need to be developed to successfully capture all of the components of destination image. The purpose of this article is to carefully examine the concept of destination. It has been found that tourists usually choose a destination with the most favorable image gartner, 1989. Thus this study was conducted to examine the relationship between destination image and tourist behaviour, on the one hand, and between image and the post consumption evaluation of stay on the other.
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